You’re not creating that new app

Simone Paterman
Oct 26, 2020
Photo by Oleg Magni on Unsplash

Tech solutionism. If there is an app for every problem, there is no app for the biggest problem of counting on apps to solve all our problems.

You have some ideas for a new app. It would solve some problems. Maybe you could be persuasive and sell it. But your ideal world is not a world full of apps. It’s a world with less time spent on the screen.

Certainly, an app can be useful, or amusing. It should be ok collecting them or even, in some way, depending on some of them.

But what are we looking for at the end of the day? Figuring out how to live our lives. And the screen time and the solution-seeking only distract us from this main interest.

Ok, there’re probably some apps to manage time spent off-screen. But no app help us to cultivate a life beyond the tech solutionism.

If we abandoned the ambition to achieve maximum comfort we would have more time spent in conviviality. We would have more time for meaningful experiences.

The problems would keep existing, as they exist despite all the apps.

